Alicja Maria Kuberska


Alicja Maria Kuberska (1960) born in Świebodzin a small picturesque city in the midst of woods and lakes, close to Zielona Góra and one hundred kilometres from Berlin. I now live with my family in the beautiful city of Inowrocław, which is a health resort. My full time occupation is working for a local bank and in my free time I carry out welfare work in society Pro Arte and in the Society of Sisters -Cities Inowrocław (Poland) and Bad Oyenhausen (Germany) whilst also actively engaging in charity work.

Poetry is an essential part of my life allowing me to release emotions and thought’s, they are my second, subjective, secret life.

My poems are mainly published on the internet which allows for live and spontaneous contact with their readers. The internet is something that I would describe as a miracle of life and I am always interested in hearing from people and appreciate their remarks and comments. The honest exchange of thoughts is very inspirational and assists me with my ongoing personal development in poetry.

I am a member of a poetical society E-literaci,Poezja and E-poezja London and sometimes collaborate with a Polish poet called Barbara Mazurkiewicz, who is also my friend.

Occasionally I insert my poems on my profile on facebook written both in Polish and English and I am happy that my poems are read in the USA, Republic of South Africa and other countries. I am very thankful to my friends from the United Kingdom, USA and Republic of South Africa who help me to translate my poems.


I do not remember exactly when I started to write my poems but it was about twenty years ago when I started writing as a means of relaxation. My approach to poetry changed a few years ago as a result of my illness and other personal experiences. During this period in my life I changed my approach to life and found great satisfaction in other past times like participating in charity work. During this period of life I realized that my poems were an important part of who I am. It was also at this time that Barbara Mazurkiewicz the Polish poetess ,encouraged me to publish my poems and become more active in this field.

2. My poetry allows me to write about myself and express my feelings, observations and deepest thoughts. I am interested in music, art, philosophy, psychology and contemporary scientific discoveries. People and society fascinate me. All of these elements are included in my poems. My style of poetry is too often written in the simplest way possible, focusing the attention of readers on social problems or different aspects of human life. Sometimes I would like people to notice the beauty of the world around them.

3.Leo Tolstoj, Honore de Balzac, Aleksander Puszkin and Wislawa Szymborska are my favourite writers. Tolstoj and Balzac wrote about society in the XIX century and I find their books personally fascinating. I am very interested in this period of history. My favourite book is “Anna Karenina “.It is special for me because it is directed against the rules of society. Karenina was punished by her class of society as she decided to show her real feelings and emotions. Aleksander Puszkin wrote wonderful poems. I can speak Russian ,so I am able to notice and feel their beauty .The poems of Wislawa Szymborska are very wise and they force me to think about my life and things ,which are important for me. She writes about ordinary affairs but her poetry allows me to see them in the new light .

4. As I mentioned above I am interested in the modern society and I try to fight with the prejudices through my work. It would be simply fantastic if people could begin to know and understand other customs, cultures and religions. The lack of knowledge causes intolerance. Some bad myths still exist as a result of wars and conflict that that have taken place over the course of history. Today we are trying to change it with Polish and German families becoming friends. I also help musicians and artists to create performances and arrange the exhibitions. This activity is not connected to my profession and it is work that I undertake to make the world I live in a better place.

5. I often like to chat with people who write to me about their feelings and how my poems can affect their emotions and I really enjoy their spontaneous reactions and as such I would like to write for many different people. Some of the topics in my poems come directly from other people who have inspired me. Their positive opinions encourage me to continue writing and give me real satisfaction. The internet opens a whole new world of possibilities and contacts and thanks to internet my poems will be enclosed in New Mirage Journal. I doubt if the internet will cause the disappearance of hard copy books and believe that the e-books and printed books will exist alongside each other. They individually fulfil different needs. I love books and in my opinion the classical book can be like a piece of art. It is a real pleasure to keep a book in the hand and I intend to print my new poems this year.

6. I do not particularly like group meetings preferring to meet with individuals so that I can concentrate on the person and their emotions. I like to have a presence on the internet so that I can be in touch with other writers. Whilst we live in different cities and internet help us to discuss our poems and exchange our views, I am closely connected to Barbara Mazurkiewicz and her group.

7. All poems live in my mind and I don’t think that it is hard work to write them down as long as I write them down as and when they come to me. Inspiration can happen at any time and as a result I often find poems that I have written on different pieces of scrap paper. I try to have a pen and sheet of paper with me at all times but when caught short I will write on wrapping paper or serviettes. Sometimes I can write a few poems in a day and sometimes none.

8. I would be happy to make personal recommendations of other poets from my country to American readers, I hope that they will like the contemporary Polish poetry.
repost from NMJ 2011

Christmas Season

Light is born on the longest night.
Love and goodness show the way in the darkness,
A chance to break selfishness.

Time slows and strikes the hours reflectively,
Faces appear from the crowd,
It’s possible to smile, say a few nice words.

Empathy and tenderness have a sweet taste,
Mercy generously bestows gifts,
Time for rebirth


Empty chair by the Christmas table.
Thousands of glittering flames
Dance on colorful ornaments.
The whole world trembles, it slowly rocks.
Green spruce smells like the woods.

Like Ariadne, I weave
Angel hair into memories and silence.
I return to happy hours,
To events that are now but dreams.
I listen to every murmur, rustle.
It seems, that at last I will hear
Familiar footsteps on the other side of the door


I know, you are tired.

And that old ships should not sail

On the rough waters.

It is time to hide within the harbor walls

While we tell your story to the children

And the crowds of visitors.

Sometimes it’s only the cry of the gulls

That will remind you of days gone bye

Then you will miss the crashing waves,

The salty smell and crazy ocean.

The glass reality

The eyes  skate over the reality

Like  smooth, frosted glass.

The  cracks and deep  splits

Are  well seen.

The tensions are hidden

and  invisible.

One day  everything

Can  break into pieces

And turn into a shower

of  shards.

We are surprised

That we forgot about

Nature of glass.


I am trapped in the labyrinth

Of many duties.

My life like  sign- posts

Predict the words

–  you must

– you should

– you are not allowed

– it is your duty

I would have liked to rise higher

and run away

I know now, that I have to die.

Nothing more.