Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak Feature Poet Interview

Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak was born in 1958 in  Opole, Poland.
In 2004 in search of work migrated to Great Britain, where she lives and works. She works in a hospital in Operating Theatres as auxiliary nurse. Helping people – so in short you might say. She is the mother of a broken heart. Happy grandmother and an eternal dreamer.

Emigration was a difficult choice for her because, as she says, “Life in the home country on the edge of poverty, with no chance to work. Miserable existence leading almost to madness, and suddenly opens a window to the world and invites you to reach for new possibilities. So I reach – not without fear, after a long deliberation – I reach and leaving the past behind begin to build a new life. At the heart is a longing that brings poems “.


1. How long have you been writing poetry? Do you write also write prose?

– I have written since I can remember. For many years, I wrote, into a “drawer”.  Quite recently I started to share my poems on the poetry portals.
Someone noticed me. Invited to participate in a competition. I won first place in the competition. Later I was offered a contract to release of my first book. It was 2011.
I do not write prose

2. What inspired the poems you have chosen to share with us here?

– “tanglet prose of life” is from my first book, “on the bank of river called life”,
“Frederick plays piano today” from second, “ticket to the Happiness station”
and all rest are from the third one, “on the departure bridge” They are  still hot.
The third volume is entirely in Polish. Working on my fourth book called, “whispered”  that will be entirely in English. This will be my poems selected book. I hope it will be out in June of this year. My poems arise under the influence of time. My poems are different. Here are poems about love, about the breakup, the free movement of time, about dreams, as well as patriotic too.

3. You have recently published three books of poems. How long does it take for you to complete a book?

– I have to admit that I was lucky. With the first book,  proposal to publication took just a few months. The second was formed in a very short space of time, was dedicated to my very ill father. A third is a collective work. With the permission of my father in this book I added a few of his poems.

– In 2012, an anthology was released, “Beautiful People Poets of My Emigration” by Adam Siemienczyk (Adam Siemieńczyk), in which I have the honor to be found along with the other 58 poets from around the world. The book will be translated into foreign languages, including English language.

4. Have you found it hard to find publisher for your books? Share a bit about your current publisher? How long did it take to hear that your work was accepted for publication? How did you choose the cover? How supportive of your work has your publisher been? Do they help you with PR?

– Editor of a third volume “on the departure  bridge” is the British publisher 2Kings & LuvPublishers based in London, working with IPAA (International English Artists Association), which supports Polish emigrant artists .

5. What do you write about most?

– What am I writing about? I just write about the world that surrounds me, about life. I write about it gleams and shadows.

6. Can you recommend other poets from your country to us? Please provide book titles, and links to webpages if possible.

– First poet, whom I could recommend is Slawomir Rozyc (Sławomir Różyc), just released his collection of poems “grass reaper” In the book there’s a note of patriotic poems, religious, social and many of his poems and erotic love,

Slawomir Rozyc (Sławomir Różyc), Adam Siemienczyk (Adam Siemieńczyk) and myself have profiles on Facebook.

Tangled Prose Of Life

I stand before you my life
you know that all I’m yours
give me your hand will be livelier
we go together on rough roads

I no longer know who is whose shadow
you and me I can you
would not look like our pair
should always live in harmony

please help me in the corners
do not let me fell out of the track
Protect my life from intruders
plagues and all the difficult choices

way through the tangled prose
tired heart often hurts
sit down in the shade of the chestnut
Let us soothe the heart autumn

cormorants return

cormorants swung a circle above the beach
look down at the empty nest
unite in a passenger flight in key

sand glitters golden amber
in clenched hand white scallop
warm days like yesterday

recently was the piston and the buzz here
chaise overturned remembers summer
wind-blown sails flutter

Wild beach frozen in silent reverie
mention of lovers sighs
with the hope that the cormorants will return


I got lost in the dance with you
like a Nymph in a forest clearing
dancing with the Elf in the grass barefoot
listening intently to the cicadas playing nice

Your eyes shine like the moon
My hair glistened in its light
whispered in your dreams
fell in love with you at dawn

fog lifted a little above the grass
ray of sunshine broke crown
I ask how a fairy tale dream or spook
whether the love made these spells

I feel such an airy unconcern
like the swallow who praises spring
vibrating greedy frivolous
hungry of you and dance forever

Frederick plays piano today

you went out never to return
and the piano is still waiting for you
my violin with a torn heart
fondly stuck to the lid
and these notes of Chopin are resdy
to begin our concert for two hearts

roses in crystal vase
you remembered that I like them red

dusk creeping softly outside the window
passing by the street lanterns
tea is made for two

you are not here

Christmas again is knocking on the door
how am I to sit at the table by myself
wafer and tears on a my plate
and Frederick plays piano today


The north Star in the sky flickers
pointing the way for lost hikers
I wonder how many weary pilgrim’s
just wandered astray in life

At the crossroads, once again I stand
I asked which way to take my heart
so much pain I carry in my luggage
my love lives only in my mind

Day after day with my sister Hope
I’m looking for answers make sense
before time makes me go into oblivion
I want the sun to shine again for me


you are like lost treasure
who I managed to find without a map
he said
Your lips are like a mystery
I want to share with you
if your eyes could talk would tell the story
which I could listen to forever
let me he ask

and so just using the word he dressed me in jewels
became my confidant
and I was like Scheherazade
filled out our nights telling stories about love